Back in 2014 I walked into a show home and the first thing I noticed was the beautiful flooring on the garage there.  I asked them what it was and they told me it was a vinyl chip floor.  Well we didn’t buy that house but one thing I knew for sure was, our next house was going to have the same flooring in the garage.  Being from a smaller city there were not a lot of installers out there so when I finally found one they came over and gave me this quote for my 2 garages that I thought was completely unrealistic.  I can’t remember what it was but it was in the 5 digit range.  Being a fairly handy guy and working as an oilfield contractor and having many days off in a row I decided there was no reason I could not do this myself for a fraction of the cost.  Well I ended up renting a bunch of equipment, buying a rust-oleum epoxy garage kit from Home Depot and got after it.  I thought it was basically painting the floor but boy was I mistaken.

I managed to get my first garage floor done, but it turned out to be more than just running a roller over a concrete floor and a couple of YouTube how to videos.  I soon realized I wanted to learn more about concrete coatings, restorations and the industry. Soon after completing my floor I pursued training at Elite Crete Systems in Collingwood Ontario and had some exposure to just how many different systems and products are out there.  I will not say I didn’t stub my toe in the early days and I was on several occasions just ready to pack it in and just go back to the oilfield and be done with it.  Thankfully the person that gave me the training was also the technical support guy for Elite Crete and he always got me though whatever came up, and trust me it’s a chemical reaction with epoxy’s and they are influenced and depend on environmental factors that are out of your control so sometimes things happen.  Elite Crete has had thousands of installers go through their training and the technical support guys have heard it all so having that kind of backing and access to that much knowledge is one of our most valuable assets.  Even to this day we still chat on the phone once a week or so not about problems but about politics, summer vacations, and our kid’s hockey.  Thanks Blaine!

On any given coatings job only a small portion is actually applying the coating.  The bulk of the work and the attention to the small things are in the preparation.  And no, acid etching is not properly preparing a floor for a coating.  A concrete slab has to be mechanically prepared by either shot blasting (preferred) or mechanical grinding (acceptable in majority of applications) that in itself is a confusing world of machines, tooling, and correct operations.  I then made a trip to National Flooring Equipment in Denver Colorado to take a training course on Grinding, Polishing, Shot Blasting and flooring removal equipment.  This training was extremely valuable in learning about what is acceptable in the industry to get maximum adhesion from today’s resins.  Also I had no idea about just what could be accomplished by polishing a cement slab, I was amazed.

We have done training with other manufactures over the years as well such as PurEpoxy, Adhesives Lab, Terrafuse, just to name a few.  We believe no one manufacture can be the best at every system and we have taken the time to learn what system works best for each situation so we at Rusty Spurr Coatings can provide our customers a floor that is durable, economical, and aesthetically pleasing.  We strive for 100% customer satisfaction, arrive on time, give accurate quotes and work with the customer’s timelines.  We offer the highest quality floor coatings at a very completive prices and fast turnaround times to respond to the different demands of the industry.  Rusty Spurr Coatings systems offer consistency while providing owners with long-lasting durable finishes.

Rusty Spurr Coatings

Contact Rusty Spurr Coatings to see what floor system is right for you

Working hours

Monday- Thursday:8:00-18:30 Hrs
(Phone until 17:30 Hrs)
Friday - 8:00-14:00

We are here

7491 Edgar Industrial Bend #110,
Red Deer, AB T4P 3Z5
Phone: +14033186920
Email: info@rustyspurrcoatings.com