During the polishing process an internal impregnating sealer is applied. The sealer sinks into the concrete and is invisible to the naked eye. It not only protects the concrete from the inside out, it also hardens and densifies the concrete. This eliminates the need for a topical coating, which reduces maintenance significantly (versus if you had a coating on it). Some contractors spread a commercial polishing compound onto the surface during the final polishing step, to give the floor a bit more sheen. These compounds also help clean any residue remaining on the surface from the polishing process and leave a dirt-resistant finish.
Pricing will typically despond on what grit we polish to, in Alberta we seldom go beyond 800 Grit Resins. Contact us if you would like to discuss some options.
Please contact us at mailto:info@rustyspurrcoatings.com
Rusty Spurr Coatings is a leading Western Canadian supplier/installer of high-quality liquid polymer products for commercial, industrial and residential projects.
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